Touroutoglou Kosmas &
The company has been active since 2015 when the concept of “door-to-door” was implemented with the purchase of the first closed type vehicle. The car was and is the first line of service for the livestock units. It has a range of products that meet every need of modern farming in order to improve the life and productivity of the farm, such as:
EDILFLOOR’s cover, compost and silage products.
Metal, plastic and specialized farming tools.
Livestock clothing: overalls, t-shirts, sleeves, waterproof, but also disposable gloves, suits and towels.
Livestock footwear: work shoes, boots.
Various sizes in dairy filters.
Animal tagging accessories and accessories.
Its nutritional products
Our primary values are the continuous selection of new products by innovative and technologically innovative companies, first in Greece and abroad. Our partnerships implement our rule “Don’t Ask If We Have It, Just Ask It And We Will Find It At The Best Price”. The company structure makes us fast and efficient for your immediate service.